I figured I would post a little brief introduction as the first official post of our Blog in the hopes you would understand why I am so attracted to Black Men and Black Cock.
For starters I am in a serious relationship with someone who I love deeply and he is not Black . . . In fact he is White and is a little younger than I am. However we both found out some years back that we have this fetish for Black Men. His fetish is to see someone he is with be with another Man . . . Black Man to be specific! And my fetish is that I love to be with them . . . . Sexually of course!
So we started hanging out with other couples that were into the same thing . . . Swingers, Cuckolds and Open Relationship minded people . . . And I have to say that it has been so very liberating for us and our relationship to not worry about this subject.
My lover loves me loving Black Cock and I love him back for it!!!
I really hope you enjoy this Blog as much as I will enjoy being part of it.